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Old 11-22-2007, 10:48 AM
Rushmore Rushmore is offline
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Default Re: looking to get a small house dog

No to jump on the bandwagon, but...

Part of the point of owning a dog is the loyalty and comraderie that a good dog brings into your household. There's a reason they're known as "man's best friend."

Problem seems to be that you don't really like dogs very much.

You don't ask if the dog will be unhappy when you abandon it for a third of the time, sticking it in a cage. You ask if it will hate you.

You mention you have an 800 sq. ft. apartment and do not seem concerned that this might be the wrong environment for a dog to thrive in.

You want a miniature dog that "will stay cute forever." What are you--a 14 year old girl?

Seriously, do dogs everywhere a favor and just go get a cat.
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