Thread: river decision
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Old 11-22-2007, 10:44 AM
elindauer elindauer is offline
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I found this hand interesting because I would normally just call. My hand is face up (meaning there is no way I get to this point without holding a ten, and if I do, I wouldn't call the river raise anyways), and he's still raising.

In THIS hand though, a combination of my read of his hesitation, and the fact that he didn't raise the turn made me feel that there was no way he could have me beaten. How could he possibly wait for the river with a huge hand when I had made it so clear that I wanted to put in money? It felt very unlikely.

So I made an unusual move (for me) and 3-bet, hoping he had a hand like A6 and didn't believe I had a ten.

He tilt-capped QQ. I fought off the urge to make a hero laydown and dragged a big pot.

Somehow after the hand, I could imagine people telling me that I "never" get capped by a hand I can beat, etc and that even though his play is consistent with a hand I can't possibly be behind, I should just call. I could imagine myself saying that, in fact. Interesting result I think.
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