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Old 11-22-2007, 09:28 AM
Drag Drag is offline
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Default Re: L/C Help me. Lack of an afterlife leads me do depression.

It used to bother me, but I came up with a quite simple logics, and I am ok with all this death issue now.

I'll try to explain my position, may be it could help.

First, it's not clear if it would happen, or at least not too soon. I have doubts about all these transhumanist idea, mostly about the time scale, but still I think there is some probability >1% that it could happen in my lifetime. I am professional scientists and I think that I do my best to move towards that goal. Honestly, I think, even if we increase the healty life-span by just 200 years it would be ok.

Second, if the death comes, it comes. If I did all I could and it still happened, c'est la vie. I am a bit fatalistic about that. There were lots of people who deserved to live more than me and who are dead, why should I be exceptional. (Think about Einstein, or any other great mind of the past.)

Third, I am in no hurry to come there. Before that I'd rather enjoy the good things, do what I like etc.

Fourth, there are things which are worse than death. For example, going irreversibly crazy. Or having a very big brain damage which would destroy someone as a person. I'd choose to die on my own if I would be able to make such a decision. On the other hand, if I went crazy and wouldn't be able to pull the trigger, it would be another person suffering, so if he wouldn't be able to stop it, it is his problem.

Fifth, this is just a bloody reality. No life after death, so we should adapt to it.

In essence, that's my view on the issue. When I go through hard times, I progressivale move downward the list. When I feel good, I don't normally go further than the first option. When I am severely depressed I can go down to the fourth.
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