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Old 11-22-2007, 06:15 AM
Specialwon Specialwon is offline
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Default Re: RYANCMU teaches struggling NL50 and NL100 players

Hi Ryan, great thread and thanks for taking the time.

Just a question following on from the AQo discussion earlier. I was pretty surprised you 3bet this so often, I usually do the opposite and 3bet about 15% of the time, fold the rest. Here's why, maybe you can tell me where I'¨m going wrong.

You're assigning a hand range of ATo+, 98s+,22+. I assume you're also including at least A9s+ for the complete range, tho maybe not KJs.

That's about a 13% pfr range, against which AQo is a very slight favourite, around 50.5%. So, I can see why it makes sense to 3bet that range with these cards. But I just wonder whether you're being a bit optimistic with your ranging.

I've been doing some work on my own 3 bet range recently. I play Ongame 50NL, which is 10 handed.

The average stats for all players over about 60k hands is about 18/7. Average for regulars with 500 hands or more is about 15/7. It's very unusual to see a pfr of more than 10, in fact I am one of the most aggressive with an average PFR of just under 11.

Adjusting for position, my pfr never really goes over 10 earlier than CO and I am unusually aggressive. I would say the typical range is probably about 8% at most, which is more like 88+, AJs+, QJs+, KQo+. Against that range, AQo is a 48% dog.

So, my 3bet range here is really just AA-QQ, AKo, AQs+.

Are we comparing apples and pears, am I being too conservative, what do you think?
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