Thread: Quick quiz
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Old 11-22-2007, 01:28 AM
CrazyLond CrazyLond is offline
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Default Re: Quick quiz

A) A9, A8, 9T, TJ, TT, JJ, 44, 88, 99, many Ax and connecting club possibilities. I think with QQ, KK or the other AA the typical player will typically have reraised preflop or led out or check-raised on flop with 2 clubs on board. With 89 I'd also usually expect either a bet or check-raise on flop. Sets are probably strong enough for a simple check-call even with 2 clubs on board.

B) Against entire range I'm probably 60% favorite. This is a calculation I would never normally make because I'm getting to see the turn card which will obviously alter the figure.

C) With A9, I'm probably about 50/50.

D) With AA, I am ahead of almost everything in my range except a set. I am 90% against TT, JJ, A9 or A8. I'm 80% against 9T and 75% against TJ(not clubs). I'm 65% against flush draws with no pairs or straight draws. Flush draws with other possibilities(pair or straight draw) seem like the most likely holding since there are so many variations possible. A few of these would be favored against me and the rest I'd be only a very slight favorite against. I'd say 50% of the hands I'm against are these, so 50/50 there. I'd say another 45% are the hands I mentioned above where on average, I'm about 75/25. The other 5% of the time I'm up against a set and am a 9-1 dog. 0.5(0.5)+0.45(0.75)+0.05(0.1) = 0.25+0.3375+0.005 = 59%. I did use a calculator for this, but my initial impulse was 60%. I'm not going to break it down for A9 but I'm now also a dog against TT and JJ, I'm even money with A9 and not as big a favorite against any flush draw with overcards to the 9 or to TJ. I'm also now drawing almost dead to a set but this doesn't factor in much since I was drawing slim anyway. I'd estimate my total chances of winning with A9 around 50%.
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