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Old 11-22-2007, 12:17 AM
FlyWf FlyWf is offline
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Default Re: Futurama: \"Bender\'s Big Score\" + other movies/\"new\" episodes

Yeah, this was pretty terrible. Just a non-stop barrage of fanservice(and very little of that being subtle nods, most of it was broad "DO YOU REMEMBER THE EPISODE WITH THE MOBSTERS!?!?! HOW ABOUT THAT TIME WE HAD AL GORE?!?!?! ALSO ROBOT SANTA!!!!!" Please stop congratulating me for watching your show.) with little to no funny. The plot was lazy and lame, very few of the one-off jokes seemed fresh(East Coast/West Coast rap jokes have been dated since what, 1999?), and it was really obvious that they were planning on cutting it into episodes in the future by the way subplots were introduced and resolved.

Zoidberg was gold as always("Yes... Now."), but even the big reveal seemed like a rehash of a previous big reveal.
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