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Old 11-21-2007, 11:01 PM
xwowsersx xwowsersx is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 114
Default Re: Strange hand vs CTS

can someone ban pbfan i don't like him. responses like his are kind of useful when they're made by people like krantz or cts because they are actually good players and so if they say to do something, you can be like 'ok well thats not my normal line so i need to at least think about the hand some more independently'.

when r3tards do it its just a waste of forum space; note to all you r3tards out there: if you are going to post a response in a hsnl thread, please provide: pokerstove math, your interpretation of both players ranges, and then whether or not pot odds implies a call given these.

no one cares about your r3tard one line responses, and they don't help you get better either.

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Not sure we need to come down so harsh here, but I agree that the one line responses are pretty useless/obnoxious in that they provide no real analysis whatsoever.
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