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Old 11-21-2007, 10:46 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: L/C Help me. Lack of an afterlife leads me do depression.

PRECISELY because you believe/know that there is no afterlife, there is really nothing to fear in death.

Imagine that there really was an afterlife... Now you'd have all kinds of things to worry about. Will the Supreme Creator like you enough? Or will He send you to an eternal dungeon where you will suffer, and writh, and cry in agony, forever and ever until the end of time? How scary is THAT? And even if you yourself pass the muster, you have all this to worry about for your friends, family and loved ones as well. No THAT should depress you!

But forunately, you're wise enough not to fall for all that crap. So what is there to be depressed about or afraid of when you die? Nothing... Absolutely nothing. Think about all the thousands of years before you were born. Was that so hard for you? In the year 1573 were you afraid? Depressed? Did you have any uncomfort at all? Didn't think so... The year 2203 will be exactly the same, as will all the years after that. But here's what you SHOULD do...

Make the most of your life now. Love your children. Spend time with them and your family. Enjoy every minute with them that you can. Yes, it will end as all things must do, but you won't know it, so there's nothing to fear. What you should fear is stagnating in life. Don't waste it!
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