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Old 11-21-2007, 09:49 PM
AWoodside AWoodside is offline
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Default Re: L/C Help me. Lack of an afterlife leads me do depression.


I don't mean transhumanism or the optimistic hope that the singularity will occur. It reeks a bit of escapism and denial to me, but more power to them if they get it done.

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This is certainly an understandable position to take, and many Transhumanists would agree with what (I assume) is at the root of your statement: That it's a long shot. I put my odds at making it to a "Singularity" type event (I don't particularly like that word but it's proved to be a pretty powerful meme) at around 20 percent or so. I'm 25 years old. There are large and difficult to manipulate social, scientific, economic, and technological currents moving us in this direction which are functionally out of my control. What is in my control is my own personal health and economic means. I believe I can shift my personal probabilities quite a bit by adopting a hyper-healthy lifestyle, minimizing my exposure to risk of bodily injury, and accumulating as much wealth as possible. Certainly my 20 percent figure could be too high (or too low) and I'm willing to shift if based on new evidence. By and large I think I take a fairly rational approach to the whole thing. The payoff of reaching a singularity type event is so absurdly large that its clearly a highly positive expected value move to make significant lifestyle changes if it will make you alive, wealthy, and healthy 10 or 20 years longer than you would be otherwise.

I realize you weren't saying anything about me specifically, just wanted to point out that in my case it's a rational decision that doesn't involve escapism nor denial (I recognize that I may have subconscious psychological biases that are functionally the equivalent, but I do at least attempt to proactively eliminate these). Also, I think you'd be surprised at the fraction of transhumanists that have a similarly level-headed and thoughtful approach.
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