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Old 11-21-2007, 08:50 PM
AWoodside AWoodside is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 415
Default Re: L/C Help me. Lack of an afterlife leads me do depression.

Also I should have added -

Why are you not bothered about ceasing to 'be'?

[/ QUOTE ]

You should be bothered by it, terribly terribly bothered and the things you are going through are perfectly normal. Ceasing to exist is the absolute worst thing that can happen to a sentient being. The fact that most people take it as axiomatic that this is a necessary aspect of the human condition is terrifying and defeatist. There is no reason aging shouldn't be irradiated in the near future like the disease it is. Unless technological progress is artificially or catastrophically halted this is inevitable. The actions we take as a society will determine whether this new phase in human development comes in 50 years or 300.

You are completely right to be upset about this, but instead of being depressed get energized and proactive, because their is hope. Do some online research into the possibility of indefinite health-spans within your lifetime and if you're convinced its a possibility focus your energies into educating others and committing resources to that goal.


Come to think of it, most people DO NOT actually take it as axiomatic that dying is a necessary part of the human condition. Most people are theistic and believe in some sort of "life after death". Quite the coping mechanism I'd say. For those of us who are rational, we do not have that luxury. Luckily we've born in a time in which its conceivable that true immortality might be achieved.
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