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Old 11-21-2007, 05:48 PM
ALawPoker ALawPoker is offline
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Default Re: An Open Letter in Response to a PM

So i normally read some other forums and decided (BORDEM OCCURED) to take a look at the politics forum as i have never done.

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Oh, so you're one of the cool kids that wastes his time on the other 2+2 forums. Thanks for making that clear.

For whatever reason this is the first thread i opened... is this the kind of crap i should expect while i continue reading this forum?

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Most threads are not titled "An open letter in response to a PM," so if you wanted a non-personal OP you could have picked any thread other than this one (or the one titled "don't listen to borodog's drivel, etc.").

Seems like this thread is just all about one person's obsession with how they are perceived by others and their consequent whinefest. Have we gotten ourselvs so involved here at "2+2 Policitcs" that we have to resort to this petty immature crap?

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This thread has a some history to it, which you admit you haven't read and are apparently too cool to care about.

I'm not sure why you're reading and responding.

Even though i havent read the previous thread mentioned here where you were... disrespected, and therefore wont/cant comment on the nature of what happened and certainly dont want to take away from any wrongdoing you may have suffered... I can still say that much much worse has been said between two people here on 2+2 and if you care this much... you probably need a break from 2+2.

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What difference does it make how much he cares? He is just responding rationally to Barron's criticisms. If you have nothing rational to contribute, then don't contribute. Barron is the one who has (admittedly) flown off the deep end and been personally aggravated by what started off as nothing more than an economic discussion.

If you think this is silly, don't read it and then try to add fuel to the fire.