Thread: 16s: Bad Fold?
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Old 11-21-2007, 05:37 PM
aghasax aghasax is offline
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Default Re: 16s: Bad Fold?

The thing is, big stack will nearly never push over our three bet, expecting us to fold.
If villain is solid, views us as someone who'd be able to fold TT/AK in this spot, he'd probably not risk nearly 4k HOPING we are a) not on QQ/KK+, b) folding marginal hands.

This will happen nearly never, imo.

I think our raise to 1100 or so

a) Looks way stronger than push to biggie
b) Makes pfr make retarded calls, which he wouldn't against a push

[/ QUOTE ]

What you are saying is interesting, but your premise is taht BB is solid. A non-solid BB would probably seldom push over a reraise with a wide range, but could still call our raise leaving us in a bad spot most of the time.

Also I'm not sure I want pfr to call my raise.
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