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Old 11-21-2007, 05:21 PM
AlexM AlexM is offline
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Default Re: Washington Post Fact Checker Questions Paul\'s plans.

I don't get why people aren't more troubled about this. Getting rid of the IRS is one of the centerpieces of his campaign, as well as one of the hugest policy changes in the last 50 years. Many of the arguments he's using to support it are misleading at best, and false in a lot of cases. When I started a thread about this a month ago, a lot of RP supporters believed that the IT could be completely eliminated just by cutting some discretionary funding. Probably better than 90% of RP supporters now still believe that. And we still have no specifics on what "Dr. Paul" would replace the income tax with.

It's really kind of frightening. Just because the guy says he loves the Constitution doesn't mean you should automatically trust him when he makes vague, misleading statements to explain why he should be given an enormous amount of power.

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Completely eliminating the income tax would only cut our spending back to 199X levels. Ron would cut more spending than that. No need to replace it with anything.

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NO IT WOULDN'T!! RON PAUL IS LYING WHEN HE SAYS THIS!! (and I guarantee when he says that he's planning to tax 2009 dollars and spend them in 1998)

Look at the numbers. Setting payroll taxes and SS aside, money raised from non-income tax sources wouldn't cover interest payments.

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Ok, I've seen mainstream media confirm this, but Ron is lying.
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