Thread: Free Showdown
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Old 11-21-2007, 05:09 PM
elindauer elindauer is offline
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Default Re: Free Showdown

I have never in my life seen any small stakes game (I mean in general - not a specific session), live or online, where players regularly 3bet the turn with draws.

I have ceratinly seen players 3bet solid but far from great made hands quite a bit.

I don't have a problem at all with calling down hoping to induce bluffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whatever, I think you guys are missing the main point I'm trying to make here.

Raising for a free showdown is effective when the decision to put the 2nd bet in on the turn increases your fold equity over just calling the turn and calling the river. In the OP, this fold equity increase is miniscule. James himself describes it as at best a 20:1 shot that we will fold a better hand.

That's terrible! You should not be willing to take any risk at all of folding the best hand to eek out that kind of edge. It's just not worth it on that board.

In other hands, it can be worth it. This is especially true when getting a fold from ace high can win you the pot. It's just not worth it on this board. Bad hand for this play. Look for dry boards where you think your opponent can have under-pocket-pairs and ace high hands that beat you, but his range is still wide enough that you can't fold.

You don't raise for a free showdown to charge a draw. You raise for a free showdown to get extra folds.

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