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Old 11-21-2007, 02:48 PM
hoyasnaxa hoyasnaxa is offline
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Default Re: *Official* Philadelphia E-A-G-L-E-S Thread (2007-2008)

Feeley is a very bad QB, Detmer and McMahon are like 10 levels below him and everybody knows that. They are completely incapable of playing QB in the NFL. Like I said, Feeley is somewhat capable, and is able to run the eagles offense. I do not think he is better than McNabb at all, I do not think that Feeley's win loss record indicates that he is better than McNabb. I do think that Feeley is not a good QB, and has been able to win with the Eagles at a similar rate as McNabb (over a very small sample), which might indicate that McNabb is really not that good. Garcia only annunciated that point last year.

I do not think McNabb is really hurt. Whenever he plays bad he is always hurt. Staying healthy and being in shape, which are two major problems with his lazy ass, are two of the most important aspects of a QB. Which is another reason I dont like him. Also another reason why he needs to go.

The type of QB that I think would suit the Eagles offense perfectly would be David Garrard, Garcia, Jay Cutler. They can scramble if they need to and are willing to scramble on 3rd down. They dont throw as hard as they possibly can every pass play like McNabb, are more accurate, and are better on 3rd down. McNabb is definitely not a top QB, he maybe was at some point, but his time is up and he needs to go.
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