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Old 11-21-2007, 12:58 PM
Pyromaniac Pyromaniac is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 274
Default Re: Got company. $100 missing. Here\'s what I\'ve done.

no one's asked this question yet, but, what "pocket" are you talking about? your pants pocket? your jacket pocket? when/how do you suspect he would've been going through your pockets w/o you knowing it?

if it were me, I'd probably just search through the 14-y.o.'s stuff and see if I could find where he stashed it. or wait till everyone goes hottubbing or whatever and go through *his* pockets. you're more likely to be able to set your mind at ease if you can try to find it, yourself, then if you try to do some columbo mindtricks.

and like you say, you didn't rubberband it, so there's some chance of it falling out somewhere. a rubberband wouldn't've stopped him from taking it, but it would've stopped it from simply getting lost - and in this case it would've prevented some of the doubt in your mind, which is going to be hard to clear, anyway, unless you can get a confession from him (not likely) or unless you can just find it yourself (probably not hard to do if he actually took it).
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