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Old 11-21-2007, 12:15 PM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default Kerry = Track Record of Lyng

Kerry has a long record of lying about his Vietnam service.
In his autobiography, he claims he was in Cambodia listening to Nixon that their were no troops in Camobodia. This lie was easily exposed because Nixon was not president during Kerry's 4 months on combat in Vietnam. Then when Kerry returned to the USA, he spread many lies about alledged attrocities committed by US troops only later to back track on the statements he said.

Plain and simple Kerry is an opportunistic scumbag. He touts his Vietnam service while withholding much of his war records. When his detractors attack him for withholding his military records, he spins the accusations around touting about the records he ha already released. T.Boone is smart to ask him to release this records as part of the deal. If these records made Kerry look good, they would have been released to help his presidency. By process of elimination, these records probably are not that flattering to John Kerry......

As for the Swift Boat accusations, the best Kerry has done was produce one or two witnesses to contradict the several witnesses that accuse him of cowardice and lying. In terms of mathemetics, the anti-Kerry witness are more numerous and based on Kerry's past lies....more credible. I seriously wonder if Kerry bribed these one or two guys....

*Kerry holds the Vietnam Swift Boat Veterans record for shortest time in a combat zone. 4 months. Excluding KIA and wounded who had a legit reason to leave combat...
*In Kerry's 4 months of 'combat', he successfully alienated most of his fellow soldiers to the point where they still hate him today. This takes a special talent...
*Kerry used every flea-bite injury as an excuse to get a purple heart. His detractors claim this was a tactic so he could get his three purple hurts and qualify for an early discharge.

Kerry is blowing hot air....
He has no intention of addressing T.Boone's challenge. He will keep those military records a secret so he can retain sme plausible deniability about the Swifties allegations... Kerry's chest thumping is as phony as he is. He gets some positive PR from the "Boston Globe" saying he is going to meet these allegations head on and then he goes back to playing the victim claiming he was 'swift-boated'. Truly pathetic....just like Kerry...
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