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Old 11-21-2007, 07:47 AM
Kiera Kiera is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 69
Default Re: PETA documentary last night

When our dog, dhar, was attacked by the pit, I was incapacitated. Mat dove under my jeep coming back up with the pit by the back of the neck and our dog at her throat. This image haunts me.

Mat’s complete disregard for his own safety to save the life of our dog was driven by an adrenalin rush of super human strength to save her life. Dhar’s own self defense mechanisms kicked in and she sacrificed a front tooth in the brawl.

In the meantime, I only half lived as a spectator.

To get back to the point, when he says, “I wouldn’t even see the human being”, to me that means that his respect for life is not colored by the conventional definitions of life. He didn’t even see the canine in this case. What he saw was simply the love for life.

When it comes to peta, I think that what has happened is that it takes a huge action to get a reaction. We are so used to wearing leather and eating meat, it is so much a part of the normal lifestyle that it takes an act outside of the norm to make a slight impact on reconsidering the ethics of those beliefs.
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