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Old 11-21-2007, 06:32 AM
Yepitis Yepitis is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 77
Default Re: Live 6/12: 56s Catches a little piece

OK, our 5's may be the best hand right now but they are still 5's and our kicker is not higher then the highest card on the broad. This means we could catch a 6 and still be behind. Not to mention it's puts three to the straight to go along with the flush draw. Or we could miss and pretty much any card puts another over out there.

No matter what we hit the redraw could kill us and cost us a lot of money.

When we play hands like this we need to hit the flop, here we got a tiny piece and our draws suck. Classic fold.

There is no reason to fight over every hand we are in.
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