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Old 11-21-2007, 05:44 AM
imeasy2read imeasy2read is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 21
Default Re: I will mentor you for free


My name is Jamie Cohen. I'm 23 years old and currently live in Las Vegas with my fiance. I read your post and found it an intriguing opportunity. In the past, I managed my own Bakery business back in high school but had to stop when college started. That's when poker became my hobby and then my career.

I am currently supernova on stars and typically play 8-12 hours a day. I have a 1700 bad player list (smart buddy) in which i continuously monitor, and aim for the best situations. You could say I live, breath and sleep poker. Though my admiration for the game makes it enjoyable and very profitable.
Though I know I will never stop trying to improve my game since I will always be looking for perfection.

Over time my game has improved dramatically. I am constantly learning from card runners, books, and friends. Though I haven't had a 2p2 account for long, but since I've had it I've given as much advice as I can. For the most part I was trying to teach people around me. Although I, myself have been in a downward spiral ever since the wsop. So its hard to demonstrate to others what the "right" moves are when everything I do seems to be flawed. NLHE is my main game, and this year I will be going for Nova Elite.

In the last year, I have made 70k by playing 50-1 and 1-2. I also qualified for the WSOP through stars and won the Nova free roll for 10k. After my game feels like its back on course I would like to teach others who would like to learn as well. I would be willing to help out on the site and give advice to others as much as I could. I have a headset and mic as well.

Thanks for your time-
Jamie Cohen