Thread: *Dexter* 11/18
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Old 11-21-2007, 05:42 AM
xorbie xorbie is offline
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Default Re: *Dexter* 11/18


Good post. However this: "lundy has no idea that it's dexter. we will know if he starts to suspect dexter by if/when lundy starts distancing himself from deb" is wrong IMO. I'm going to rewatch the ep later, but it seemed to me that Lundy is using Deb to some degree.

After seeing Dex's previous move (the manifesto) backfire horribly, I suspect that Lundy will figure that Doakes being so obviously suspicious while Dexter tries to be seemingly helpful makes the latter look more guilty.

One possibility is that he will attempt to use Deb to get more info on Dexter somehow, and Deb will have to make a call between the two (obv choosing Dexter). Not sure if this means Lundy dies or what, this is obviously a long shot anyway.

Another possibility is that, to make the Doakes/Dex team seem more realistic, Doakes somehow gets suspected of the murders but Dexter clears him in some fashion.

Not sure how Lila is going to play into things, but the Lila/Rita saga is clearly not over.

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