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Old 11-21-2007, 05:37 AM
theblackkeys theblackkeys is offline
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Default Re: workout intensity?

I've lifted on and off for maybe 5-6 months but have only been going at it consistently for about a month now. I break my lifting into three workouts, legs/lower back, chest/upper back,and shoulders/forearms/upperarms.

When I do legs and lower back I get a great pump going so I am always able to work myself to exhaustion just lifting. I usually feel the effect of the workout for the next few days. My leg muscles are much stronger and more developed than any others.

On my other 2 days my workouts just don't seem to have the same intensity. I can reach failure in a set, move to a higher weight and lift to failure again and seemingly give it my all, and do many exercises per body part usually spending an hour to an hour and a half lifting, but I don't seem to get anywhere near that same pump. At the end of the day I just don't feel like I've worked my muscles enough , and they are basically recooperated within 24 hours.

Is this standard and I am expecting too much out of myself , or do I need to do something different to increase the intensity of my workouts?



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Learn WTF intensity means. Thx.

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it's pretty obvious that he's not referring to percent of 1RM.
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