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Old 11-21-2007, 04:23 AM
Jay. Jay. is offline
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Default Re: I will mentor you for free

Awesome we're back!

General Stuff

I've answered all the PMs that needed answers, the applications sent in PM i wont reply to but i will read when making the final decision and then post here who got accepted.

I'm going to let this run for likely another day but maybe another 2 days if there are unanswered questions etc.

Because of the large response i want to say again, this is not coaching, it's mentoring and that's because i want to do it in a format to suit me. I wont be reviewing your videos or be available for hand discussion on AIM, that will just take too much of my time.

How i'm going to do this

However saying that, i do feel the format i have in mind will have a lot of benefits. I plan to:

- Allow any of the 10 players to sweat my session _anytime_ i'm playing. I'll probably register logmein and daily post the address needed to view if i'm playing. I may be available on skype in these sessions but i'd prefer this to be one way of me speaking of my thought process and review what i thought on the hand, then when i review my session i'll probably speak about what i thought but i wont be available for questions and answers in these sessions.

- Have biweekly official sweat sessions. This will be all of us on skype and sweating, me talking about the hands as they happen and then 30 mins per 1.5h of questions and answers after the sessions. After a few of these i'll give each student a chance to choose the theme of the sweat session, so if a student is struggling with river folds, turn bluff raises or how to adjust to a certain opponent then they can say that and i'll speak more about that.

- I don't know if my computer and connection will be able to handle the 10 players viewing if not i'll make videos often, upload them and you guys can comment amongst yourself in the forum and i'll reply w/ my thoughts. I'm a big fan of making videos since in the past i've made them and just deleted them just because i play better when speaking outloud. That was really what gave me the idea to do this as there was a lot of good poker material that i was just binning.

- Monthly i end up with a lot of text documents with my workings out or hand reading etc. I'll upload all of these.

- I'll probably write some articles, but again these will be mostly new concepts that i want to get my head around more.

- I'll likely post 'homework assignments' in two forms, one will be plays that i think the average player doesn't make enough of, a 4 bet bluff preflop from the BB when it's btn raise and sb reraise for example, then have you guys over the next week make this play at least once in a situation you felt it was suited. The other form will be tough hands i played that i'll post and ask you all to post your thought process.

- I'm going to group the players at equal stakes and have them do video trades with each other. Recording their thought process while playing and then send it to another who can then speak over that video themselves with camtasia or just write down the thoughts.

- This will be over a 5 month period, most likely Jan - May giving us Dec to get a website up, and all the students to get headsets, skype, camtasia up and running. For this 5 month period i want each of you to have a goal of where you want to be after it and then break that down over monthly goals. This is where i want to get you guys to.

Remember this period of time in your poker career will be for improvement of your game not for making money, so you're goals should reflect that as should the number of tables you play.

I'm sure i'll come up with more but the above i think will have a great impact on your games and do in a fashion that doesn't cost me tons of time.

And remember, a lot of the improvement really depends on yourselves. If you're going to be rigid or not get past your bad habits or not want to make the next level of plays then you wont get anything out of this.

And lastly, i'm EXTREMELY excited that Ike wants to be apart of this for those of you who don't know he's a very very good player and also used to play limit before making the switch to NL. I have a personal liking for player who are able to do that as they are more the players who really get the fundamentals of poker and just apply those when switching over. If he gets onboard you guys are very lucky.