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Old 11-21-2007, 03:32 AM
kickpushcoast kickpushcoast is offline
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Default Re: Nelly as a NLH player

I've hung out in the VIP areas of Vision and Compound in Atlanta quite a few times, he was at Vision one time with his some of his "crew" or whatever, they all seemed pretty cool. Most rappers are actually pretty down to earth and cool in person, as long as you approach them the right way. I've met Jeezy, TI, Akon, Farnsworth Bentley, and a few behind the scenes people, none of them were anything but cool. Athletes seem to be either total d-bags or really nice, most actors(and Hollywood people in general) are jackasses from what i've seen.

also, lol at thinking one of those guys would take some of the chips you dropped
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