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Old 11-21-2007, 01:05 AM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: Law School Application Time


I will say that at my school there is not a single URM on the main law review of almost 60 students. law review members are chosen either based on their (anonymous) grades or on their (anonymous) writing competition.

I'll give the standard anti-racist disclaimer that I had a lot of very intelligent minority students in my classes, but there is a lot of evidence out there that since minority students are getting into schools that their numbers alone would not get them into, they are having a tougher time of it. I guess it doesn't really matter though, because firms seem to also have lots of diversity programs and diversity scholarships, etc. so I don't really know when, if ever it catches up.

There was a study that tried to link poor minority performance on the CA bar review to AA in law school admittance, but I read that it received a lot of criticism, so not sure how valid of a study it was.

Definitely a bit discouraging to punch your numbers into and see "Wow, ok, 80 people got rejected with my numbers at Harvard, but 20 got accepted, i got a shot!" then you realize you didn't check off the "exclude URM" button and that number goes down to "75 rejected, 0 accepted."

kinda depressing when your from a poor background where your family didn't all graduate high school let alone go to college, and then you see minority students whose parents are CEOs getting the AA boost. guess those are the breaks.
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