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Old 11-21-2007, 12:57 AM
supafrey supafrey is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 317
Default Re: Police kill Polish man @ Vancouver Airport

Just to add a couple small points...

1. When foreign/ESL people need to speak to bureacracy/government/police, they somehow manage. Canadian police services offer emergency care in something like 200 unique languages, and private companies offer over-the-phone translations for emergency situations such as this one. Anyone who has ever worked for the government is taught how to deal with people who are foreign/unresponsive.. this goes double for police services.

2. If any Russian person was brought to speak to this man, they'd have almost immediately been able to notice this dude was speaking Polish. Any Eastern Euro person could have helped this situation and it's disappointing airport security didn't think of this during the long wait that was obviously distressing this guy.
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