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Old 11-20-2007, 10:20 PM
elindauer elindauer is offline
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Default Re: Balancing Flop Caps

Chen/Ankenmen seem to think differently. See page 264 of The Mathematics of Poker: "....multi-street games are not single-street games chained together; the solution to the full game is often quite different from the solutions to individual streets."

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed, you are totally correct. I've read this book and it's exactly this argument that leads me to describe the proper strategy as just "a bit more" in isolation.

It's true that the complete strategy is different from single street games chained together. However, the complete strategy will probably not allow any individual street where your opponent is going to be able to bluff his entire range profitably. Assuming that your opponent will only call with made hands that can call the river as well will lead to that kind of exploitation I think, as you are not obligated to bluff all the way.

I really need to run one of these single hand simulations and give out a complete strategy for two ranges on one flop heads up. Just seeing one solution would be really instructive. Anybody already done this and care to share?

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