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Old 11-20-2007, 05:14 PM
metsandfinsfan metsandfinsfan is offline
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Default Re: *** Official NY Mets Our OFFSEASON Has Come Thread ***

OK you guys asked for it -- and i deliver

here is BOBOJEDAFAN's final Glavine Rant:

Well, now that this SOB is finnaly gone can all the Glavine apologists please admit that they were wrong. I always said he was a disloyal turd and would always think of him as an Atlanta Braves, and where does he run away and sign to after destroying us in our last game. Atlanta, wow shocking.

Now I don't want to be labeled as a Met fan with a short memory who just hates Tom for 1 game, because I have been a consistant hater for four years. Similar to how die-hard fans root for a team when they're down. I hated and boo'd Tom at Shea Stadium even when he was running well, even durign shutouts when the other 40,000 sheep were cheering, iwas boo'ing and yelling "Go Back to Atlanta!"

Well, it looks like he listened, wahoo. This is not a time to be angry but a time of rejoicing. This is the 1st move of the offseason that has made the Mets better, along with making a rival worse. I predict Tom will have a losing record and an ERA over 4.70. I'll be at Shea for all his starts, booing hard, and cheering when Bobby Cox takes a break from beating his wife and Jack Daniels, to take the ball from Tom in the middle of the 3rd.

May November 17th be declared a National Holliday.

Recap of Tom Glavine...

1)Pitched Great For Atlanta for 14 years
1a)Major player in a League Strike, resulting in the cancelation of the 1994 World Series
2)Beat the Mets 1-0 in Game 3 of the 1999 NLCS
3)Signed with the NY Mets and had a garbage 5 years
4)Got an undeserved overdone ceremony celebrating his 300th win, more of which came against the Mets than for the Mets
5)Resigned with the enemy
6-With Hope)Retires Mid 2008 Season with an 0-6 record and 6.78 ERA
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