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Old 11-20-2007, 05:09 PM
PureDiesel PureDiesel is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 258
Default Re: ***** November LC Thread *****

Ongame is **** BS! It made tilt even my 20" TFT MONITOR ACER 2023!!!! I've worked on this monitor for 5 months and no problems. As soon as i got to Ongame( it's switching automatically the resolution of my 1600*1200 to 800*600)/ Because of that my monitor after 54 hours of such play started to blink message in the middle of the screen "NO SIGNAL", then it turns off and on, goes like that for 3 minutes. SCREW YOU ONGAME! SCREW YOUR RNG! SCREW YOUR 20 BI DOWNSWINGS! SCREW YOUR BUGS! SCREW YOUR ANNOYANCES! SCREW YOUR GLITCHES! SCREW YOUR STUPID CHEAP RAKEBACK(it is 8.5% of actual amount that you sticked into Ongame's pocket by paying rake)! SCREW YOUR BONUSES! SCREW YOUR PLAYERS! You have not made me go on tilt, but you made MY MONITOR go on tilt!!! Now I have to play on my second 17" Sony Monitor.
I've paid in rake almost $600 for 54 hours of play NL50 and NL25 HU tables, the $200 bonus still is NOT cleared, and I am getting back only $50 from my $600 rake. This is BS! Bye Ongame, bye!
Oh, and something special about YOUR players. As soon as they lose they are leaving the table in oneth/gajillionth milisecond after seeing that they lost, and in that period they type in chat long wordy words of crap like fu+whole sentence of space disturbing unredable bs , jerk,moron etc.
Dear support! Please, tell me only one thing. How da f*k they type that long sentence and leaving simultaneously in oneth/gajillionth of millisecond? Where can I get such a handy script?
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