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Old 11-20-2007, 03:18 PM
Marwan Marwan is offline
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Default Re: NLCASH how do you guys feel about playing shorstacks?

I'll play the 40 BB stacks, but nothing less.. I usually tighten up my raising range a bit from the button and c-bet a lil smaller than usual... I think if you make the adjustments it's not too bad.. Also I'll felt more hands pre-flop that i'd usually fold if a 200BB stack 4-bet me.

The spots I really hate with the $80 stacks at 200NL for example is when I'm OOP and have a big unpaired hand like AK/AQ/AJ, they raise to 6, I pop to 20 and then they just call, leaving them like 60 left in a $40 pot.. when I whiff I don't know what to do.. usually I check/fold since nothing seems right..

I think against short stackers you just get into more akward situations, but you still have a big edge and as People_Mover said, $80 is still $80. What tilts
me though is when someone sits with $80, runs it up on me then leaves.. bound to happen but annoying.
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