Thread: Razz for Rusty
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Old 11-20-2007, 03:17 PM
RustyBrooks RustyBrooks is offline
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Default Re: Razz for Rusty

Both. I don't think there's anything wrong with betting 5th and 6th, but I would actually expect that guy to fire on the river more often. The guy who checks 5th and 6th strikes me more of a wait and see kind of person. I don't think a person who checks 5th and 6th with value bet 7th with a Q or a J but someone who bets 5th and 6th might.

But also, if 5th and 6th gets checked then the bluffing percentage problem that I mentioned comes into the math.

I don't actually know this villian, my inital comment was basically that I would be much more likely to call in this spot against someone who's style leads them to bet 5th and 6th.
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