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Old 11-20-2007, 02:57 PM
Milo Milo is offline
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Default Re: Who\'s right? (Dispute with my dad)

You and your mother are wrong, but so is Pops.

Firstly, you left your glasses out and you know that your parents have dogs. You are responsible for your actions here, so you should never have asked Mom and Dad to pay. Besides, since you waited to get a new pair until you NEEDED a new pair anyway, you have no real "damages" here.

Secondly, your mother should know that she will never raise a responsible citizen by letting you off the hook for something so clearly your fault AND by not busting your chops for even asking, however...

Once Mom foolishly agreed to pay, they are on the hook and Dad is obligated to pay you.

Be a man, pay for the glasses yourself.

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