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Old 11-20-2007, 10:53 AM
mayday4379 mayday4379 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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Default Re: Poker Gods/Bot Hunters: If you saw the following, what would you d

you guys are retarded with bots. They can't play 20+ tables. They need to screen scrape the tables and the tables need to be 100% visible. They also need to press the buttons on the poker client and trying to press 5 of them at the same time would cause it to freeze up (I"m assuming if you're 20 tabling that 5 tables need attention at the same time.)

No PC can handle the CPU usage of trying to 20 table a bot. Jesus.

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Now I'm far from an expert on bots, but I disagree with this. I would imagine that any bot that gets past security would be connecting to the poker client via a remote desktop. Given that shared processing power is available for rent (and through botnets like Storm), wouldn't it be possible for a whole gang of computers to be sharing the load from the host computer?

Look at things like click fraud - IIRC correctly something like 25% of all search engine clicks are estimated to be fraudulent, and I know personally of networks capable of generating millions of pageviews and clicks across thousands of sites - all without any human interaction. Working at an ad network has exposed me to some coding/automated setups that go beyond what I thought was technically possible with current technology.

Look up Storm Worm (and how it works) if you want to see what's already out there (teh rize of teh masheens!).

This is a little off topic, but to say that it's impossible to have a computer setup that's automated and can play 20+ poker tables is, in my opinion, wrong. Does that mean somebody actually has one and is using it right now? Not at all.

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Yes, VM Ware can be used to create multiple sessions, but the issue is that you can't open stars up multipler times, it will only allow you to log in once. You log in from one VM session and start open up another VM session and try to loginto stars and you'll have issues.
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