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Old 11-20-2007, 10:19 AM
Zurvan Zurvan is offline
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Default Re: VIEWER THREAD - Big Brother - NO PLAYERS

Here's the PM sent to contestants:


Below are 5 questions. Each lists 4 items from the quizzes submitted at the beginning of the game by the evicted Houseguests. You need to match up the evicted house guest with the corresponding answer they gave. There is one point for each correct response. If there is a tie, the person who finished the quiz fastest will win. Obviously, since there are 4 items, and 5 evicted houseguests, not every houseguest will be in every question.

The deadline for this is Tuesday 8:00 PM.

In addition, when submitting, you will need to tell me what two houseguests you will nominate for eviction, should you win Head of Household. You cannot discuss this with any other houseguests. You cannot warn another houseguest that this is part of the challenge. You cannot discuss any facet of what is in this PM with any other houseguest, at any time.

Once the results of the HoH competition are announced in thread, I will immediately send out the Veto challenge. You will respond with who you will veto, should you win, along with your veto competition entry. Once the Veto results are announced, you will vote immediately. There will be no game discussions taking place during this time period. I will strive to have this completed within 2 days so as not to drag out too long. Again, it is VITAL that you do not discuss the game any more once you read this message.

The HoH Challenge

As a reminder, the evicted houseguests are:


1. Which evicted houseguest listed each of the following as their favourite movie:
a. Lord of the Rings
b. Moulin Rouge
c. Shawshank Redemption
d. Apocalypse Now

2. Which evicted houseguest said this when asked something that other POGgers would be surprised to hear:
a. Have had a job since I was 15
b. I have 3 adopted siblings
c. I'm very good at devil sticks (juggling sticks)
d. When I started high school I was painfully shy, to the point where I wouldn't even ask for refills on my soft drinks at fast food restaurants.

3. Which evicted houseguest said each of the following when asked what one thing they would take to a deserted island:
a. Strat-o-matic Baseball board game
b. Solar-powered, satellite-internet-enabled computer
c. My nymphomaniac ex-g/f
d. Whore

4. Which evicted houseguest said each of the following when asked their favourite quote:
a. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" -Socrates
b. "Here's to Alcohol, the cause of - and solution to - all life's problems" - Homer Simpson
c. "If you were right, I'd agree" by Cat Stevens
d. "Big gulps huh? Welp, see you later."

5. Which evicted houseguest said each of these when asked their favourite band:
a. Barenaked Ladies
b. Jimmy Eat World
c. Pink Floyd
d. Green Day
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