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Old 11-20-2007, 09:54 AM
Yoshi63 Yoshi63 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 668
Default Re: Hypothetical bet on the golf course involving throwing a football.

Me and a couple friends were debating about how far we could throw a golf ball from the tee on a 120ish par 3. One of my friends was certain he could nail the green, and I argued none of us would even reach the "fairway". We all chucked a ball as hard as we could, and they ended up somewhere in between. More importantly, we all complained of aching shoulders for the rest of the hole.

It's not good to throw light objects as hard as you can, for obvious reasons. :-/

But anyways, golf courses can be somewhat deceptive because you're used to bombing the ball in comparision to other sports. Stand at home-plate in a major league baseball field, and try taking a few swings with a bat/baseball to hit a home run. After watching the ball roll to halfway down the outfield, I bet that fence will look pretty far. Now pull out your 8-iron and put a ball down... I bet the fence still looks a ways off. Guarentee you'll surprise yourself when you lob it easily into the upper deck.

Also with the football example, there's a big difference between hitting the green and making to the pin. So 60 out might not look as far because the front of the green is prob only like 45-48 out. And the pin and green can kinda seem like the same thing.
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