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Old 11-20-2007, 09:53 AM
ReMMy ReMMy is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: MA
Posts: 77
Default Re: Why people start playing poker and why nits play poker?

Just because YOU know the nits have the nuts and don't give them any action does not mean that everyone else does the same.

If these guys sit around breaking even until a fish comes along and donates they might make an hourly rate that seems to not even be worth it to you. However, if said players alternative form of gambling entertainment is something like baccarat or blackjack where he is a long term loser than his hourly rate for choosing to play poker is actually what he wins plus what he would have lost in the alternative endeavor.

If you're truly a better player then just thank them for keeping the games going as you pass on through to the next level. If for some reason you can't seem to ever reach that next level then perhaps your desire for the "thrill of gamble" is just creating a whole lot of fluctuation for you and not much profit.
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