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Old 11-20-2007, 08:47 AM
OGS20 OGS20 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 75
Default Re: Poker and personality

Hi everybody. Apologies about the delay in posting the findings on this but I hope you all find the results interesting.

I measured six personality traits (Achievement striving, self-discipline, courage, calmness, introspection and impulse control) against poker ability (measured by self-reported success - measured in monetary terms).

Achievement striving, self-discipline, courage, introspection and impulse control comprised the model, which demonstrated a significant relationship between the personality variables and amount of money won or lost from poker in the average month. The results show that introspection and impulse control are significant positive predictors for poker ability and that self-discipline is a significant negative predictor.

If anyone has any questions I'll answer what i can - obviously this post is only a brief summary of the results - And if anyone would like more details feel free to PM me.
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