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Old 11-20-2007, 03:18 AM
PokrLikeItsProse PokrLikeItsProse is offline
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Default Re: Why people start playing poker and why nits play poker?

I have been called a nit before and I actually came into this forum thinking about asking if it bothered people to be called a nit or a rock at the table.

Does it bother you that people get "wonderful feelings" from different things than you do? I don't. If gay folk get "wonderful feelings" from having a human penis stuffed up their rectum, I don't feel bad that I have no interest in the same sensation. Why should poker be any different just because I'm not an action junkie? Maybe most poker players get intrigued by the rush of gambling, but most poker players are long-term losers.

If there's any thrill I get out of poker in addition to the money I make, it is the thrill of outsmarting people, especially those who think they are smarter than you, which is why I am happiest to take money from multi-tabling TAGfish even when easier money is out there.
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