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Old 11-19-2007, 10:51 PM
Ramon Scott Ramon Scott is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: San Diego
Posts: 257
Default Re: Playing at the same place you deal.


Here's a real downer...
One night recently, OTP dealers on swing shift end up eventually getting picked up to deal games... well, floor gets the order wrong and picks up a dealer with a better number and when she finds out that she was picked up incorrectly before some other dealer with a worse number, she claims the "D" word... Discrimination... even though it was just a screw up.

Well, after the room manager found out and so did the ACM, you can imagine the result... no more OTP's on ANY shift (I'm on days), and no more playing even off the clock in our room because of this action.


Needless to say, grave is taking a big hit on this and games are a bit slower to start on days... and tips are down slightly since there were several players that were always OTP until they got forced in.
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