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Old 11-19-2007, 09:37 PM
Zurvan Zurvan is offline
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Default Re: VIEWER THREAD - Big Brother - NO PLAYERS

Voting Confessionals


evict herbie plz

the veto game was a little iffy. im assuming i backed into a veto victory due to a lucky tourney draw (facing the person who didnt submit) because im sure anyone who would consider themselves a pogger went defect 5 times. in bbv4l, there mightve been some people who didnt go that way, but in pog it was destiny.

i have had basically no relationship with either of these players throughout the game, other than any in-thread jokin around. the only people i have talked to directly have been mets, nich, and AJ. i also (very) briefly IMd with luckay, and maybe with chuck for a sec. nothing serious ever really happened in the pogbbchat either. my only means of contacting herbie has been through mets, and my only way of contacting clown has been through mets or AJ.

i havent considered myself allied with either of these players during the game, and im happy to see one of them go, as I was afraid of both of them. im happy either way, but i gotta vote herb on this one.

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I like herbie a lot. Im gonna miss him a lot. But he is the most dangerous player left in the game.
He had deals with clown, val, sig, luckay and probably alex at least -- he would have been tough to beat in a final 2

luckay has told me if it is me vs almost anyone but him in the final 2, he will prob vote me to win based on how i played the game as long as i try not to lynch him too early (he means try to get alex/val before him). I almost kinda believe this -- but i wouldnt vote out val before luckay, and i like how val has played the game to be honest.

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Im voting for Herbie to be eliminated.
I have talked more with clown than with herbie, I think theyre both my toughest oponents, Im voting Herbie for bullying me last week with a brutal deal.

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I am really sick of having two of my friends up for veto EVERY flippin' day - and usually it's one of my friends nominating two of my other friends, too.

I think that herbie would be the more valuable player for me to have alive -- problem is, everybody and his dog is voting herbie out, so my vote can't save him... I have to vote herbie for solidarity with surviving friends.

I've made it farther than I expected to in this game - but I almost wish I hadnt.

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if i didn't vote already i vote to evict herbie

herbie i have not communicated with once the entire game while i IM fairly often with clowntable so i guess no-brainer

i have some kind of friendly relationship with clowntable that i imagine he has with everyone. not sure yet if he would be on my side if it came down to it, probably not, but not out of the question

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surprisingly, my most extensive relationship is with mets

we still consider ourselves enemies, ldo, but our two alliances managed to pow-wow together yesterday to jointly put up herbie and clown, who we suspected of playing us both

of course, now, I think I'm a moran and just eliminated someone who was on our team (herbie). oh well. Clown goes next. Then we have a 3v3 brawl. In theory.

I may have reduced the chances of winning from like 30% to 20%, but that's life

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