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Old 11-19-2007, 08:57 PM
Zurvan Zurvan is offline
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Default Re: Thanksgiving Gone Wrong - Werewolf

So, it's just me & the munchkin tonight. As a consequence, I'm having hamburgers for dinner, because that's what I do when my wife's not around. She doesn't eat them (nobody's perfect, right?)

Anyway, I go to flip over my burger, and I find the wax paper on the bottom. Awesome, I just fried my burger on wax paper. o well, i guess I'll eat a slightly waxy burger.

In other news, I'm not giving Herbie a pass, I just think he's less likely - by a lot - to be a wolf than chim or zen. If I'm wrong about those two, I'll reread the thread and make a decision between him & epi.
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