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Old 11-19-2007, 08:35 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Bad back, do they make massage things for your computer chair?

I've never been more comfortable or had a more healthy back than when I pulled in a lazy-boy under a high adjustable table and just played while laying down. My mouse was on a big pad in my lap(stadium blanket wrapped around a large coffeetable book) so I didn't get the wrist/elbow, shoulder discomfort you get from endlessly mousing with your hand or arm out sideways. The height and angle of everything was very adjustable, which made for ready changes and no discomfort whatsoever. If I was fat enough I probably woulda just said f*k it and let the fabric grow into my hide, it was so perfectly comfortable. Coming from a lifetime of back problems that were in the family, it was sweet relief. Not even a bad way to watch a movie, and great for game playing too.
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