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Old 11-19-2007, 05:17 PM
overAchiever overAchiever is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 49
Default Re: AK BvB 4bet cbet this?

quick question, what does the 24 mean at end of stat line for him?

Looks like villian is TAG regular that is quite aggro postflop. I think you line is fine, maybe 4bet little bigger preflop since you are out of position (would be fine size I think if you were in position). I think cbet size is fine, what do you do if he pushes flop?

Since he is pretty aggro I think it would be kind of interesting and maybe quite good to CR him all in on the flop. If he does not bet that would be fine too, could hope to check it down, though that might be difficuly OOP against a villian this aggro. Reason I think CR allin might be good is he will frequently bet this flop when cheked to and fold to a raise, and even against jj,qq you have mayve 26% equity. (only problem is he might not put you on a monster if you CR allin because flop is so dry and it is a reraised pot).

I find these spots to be kind of tricky against a solid player because leading this flop is often not that believable but it does seem to get a fold a fair amount of time. I guess only extra factor I would really look at is his fold to cbet percentage, if it is close to 50 maybe this cbet won't be profitable because he will either have a hand or make a play on you too often on this flop.

As the flop was played I would have played turn and river the same ....
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