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Old 11-19-2007, 03:54 PM
hoppscot22 hoppscot22 is offline
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Default Blind Battle Live

Shorthanded (i think 5 or 6 at this point) 30 60 live game at canterbury.

Im in the SB with 84.

BB in this hand is a friend of mine who i often talk strategy, poker trips, etc. We have actually gone at it a fair amount in the times we have played together. So there is some aggressive history. He plays a taggish style, but i think it is actually maybe more aggressive then the average good player, especially in pots with myself.

IMO hes a very good winning player.

So back to the hand, folded to me in the SB and i jack it up with 84 (2/3 blind structure, this might be bad but whatever i want to get his ass).

He calls flop 985. (i believe it was rainbow)

I bet, he raises i call.

Turn J making a flush draw.

I check/call. (dont really have a plan on river, probably not folding unless a 6 or 7 comes off, but i think he checks behind most worthless hands if he doesnt have me beat so i might fold if he bets)

River offsuit 4.

So i make two pair. Possible lines:


Best river line?
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