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Old 11-19-2007, 02:40 PM
pdoran10 pdoran10 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Minneapolis, MN, U.S.
Posts: 2,681
Default Re: I will mentor you for free

This is a really exciting idea and I definitely would love the opportunity be involved. Here is a little bit about myself:

1. How you are currently improving your game?

Right now, I have been limiting myself to four tabling at nl400 in my desire to improve my game. I have been working on loosening up my opening ranges and getting more aggressive postflop, by taking each hand as it comes and getting second opinions when in doubt or faced with a new situation. I do this either through AIM or by posting or reading in the strategy forums. I am active in absorbing all that I can from the strategy forums, cardrunners, and other player's opinions.

2. Your Poker Goals

The concrete goal I am working towards right now is to become a winning player at 5/10 by the beginning of next April. A previous goal of mine was to become successful enough with poker to be able to rely on it solely for income. I am on pace to accomplish this by the end of the year. Further goals of mine include continuing to challenge myself with new stakes and goals as I progress.

3. Your current stakes and past earnings

As of the beginning of this month I am playing nl400. I have played poker as a second source of income for the last year and have made 56k in that time, starting from NL25 last fall.

4. A few examples of good strategy posts you have made.

Looking back through some of my most recent posts, I think you can find me making some decent contributions with both of these posts in the last few days and plenty more if you look back throughout the year: post 1 post 2

5. A little about yourself.

I am 22 and have taken what looks like it will be a permanent leave from the University. I have a good part time job right now that is easy and pays well that I plan on quitting sometime in the next four months due to my interest and success relating to poker. I like to go out and have fun on the weekends and I feel like I'm very motivated to put in time and effort with poker. Well I think that about sums up most of what I wanted to say.

Edit: To add, I have played an estimated 600 hours (around 40k hands/month) of poker in the last 5 months and made in the area of 32k.
