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Old 11-19-2007, 02:17 PM
Dids Dids is offline
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Default Re: Friday Night Lights Season 2

Signs that this show isn't written by football people. Treating Smash like he's an NBA player set on going pro. The whole recruitment angle is badly written, and just flat stupid.

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If you know Texas HS Football, the recruiting thing is not so far off as you would imagine. Texas is w/o a doubt the most highly recruited state by everyone. Barry Switzer once called Billy Simms at the gas station he was working at from the sideline during a national championship game.

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Obviously that part is realistic. The unrealistic part is Smash acting like he's a one and done college basketball player who will instantly be jumping to the pros. It's just kindof a lazy writing way to say "Smash is more interested in money than education" which is 1- a really cliche plotline 2- not really as interesting as "I want to play for a winning/high profile school moreso than get an education". Overplaying the "going pro" aspect of it just smacks of somebody who isn't familiar with the system.
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