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Old 11-19-2007, 01:47 PM
spamhead spamhead is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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Default Re: Getting in over your head......job related

GL to you guids! You are in for the time of your life.

I am in Louisville KY and just opened a Bakery/Cafe last Christmas. Would love to swing your way when I'm in town. It's just about a 3.5-hour drive and I go that way often.

There is no better sense of accomplishment that to take an idea from nothing and make it into a vibrant business. Most people cannot comprehend the amount of work it takes, the amount of risk it takes, and the amount of intelligence it takes.

I explain to people like this: Being an entrepreneur is like working the trapeze without a net. If you [censored] up and slip, you’re dead. But that kind of danger makes you feel alive.
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