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Old 11-19-2007, 01:31 PM
divides_by_zero divides_by_zero is offline
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Default Re: **Hottest Male Preliminary Round ***

My preliminary thoughts:

Jay Riall. That's one british looking mofo. Fortunately I dig the brits. But the up the nose shot is an odd choice. Way to rock the crazy eyes.

Vavavoom. VavaVOOM. You're, um, attractive kthx.

Terp. GB has good taste in guys. Looks like a nice guy. Also looks tallllll. I generally like more mysterious darker guys, but I would give you my number if you asked nicely.

Bongrips. Another one with the crazy eye. Like the whole trying to be tough thing, but it's not working on me.

Absoludicrous. Smile, please. Also, camera's down here. Ceiling cat will still be there after we take this shot.

RivaLiva. Points for Sublime.

Orsman. The second shot looks photoshopped, but still impressed. Although the leg vein is a little scary.

Elandriel. You seem like you would be a fun cat to hang out with. And you could also tell me if my glasses have just the right mix of emo and naughty librarian.

doubL a tom. Fails at liquor. jp. not.

Dan Bright. I've seen other pics and surprised you went with this. Hasselhoff in the house anyone? I gotta go with 4_2_it and agree with biggest sloot. That is, now that GA has a gf and all. But you're from Vancouver so NW represent!

colonel81. Nice eyes. But honestly I get distracted by the chick's dress in the third shot. I want it. It matches your eyes.

mbillie1. You know I want you, ldo. Just get teh herp treated kthx.

Anyway, before I figure out my final vote like I said I need the heights. Guys who are taller than me get bonus points. Especially if they're taller than me even when I'm in heels.
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