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Old 11-19-2007, 01:21 PM
Skallagrim Skallagrim is offline
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Default Re: Article-Lawmakers press USTR for new tack in gambling case

You dont only have to have wide open internet gambling to comply with the WTO, JP. A system similar to the UK's would work also.

Basically that means a single nationwide system that does not discriminate against foreign competition. IGREA could satisfy this if it dropped the state opt outs and made getting a US license a task that did not hamper foreign operations. The league opt out is probably going to have to go to, although some kind of creative legislation to maintain it is not impossible.

Or, as I am very unpopular for saying, the US could pass the Wexler bill and at the same time ban all remote "gambling" including horse racing and state lotteries. Fantasy sports would probably also qualify as skill. This is the only way to maintain sports betting as illegal (which - before you flame - I dont want, but would guess most congresspeople do) and still have a credible argument as to WTO compliance. The WTO would probably be asked, and I cant say for certain what they would conclude, whether a US "skill games/OK - gambling/illegal" law is compliant with our obligations.

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