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Old 11-19-2007, 12:00 PM
Dids Dids is offline
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Default Re: Friday Night Lights Season 2

I read somewhere that Bulldog hear that ESPN might pick up this show.


I cannot take JFC seriously in this role. Especially when he makes the same face and uses the word "dump".

I liked more confident, baller, Matt. I thought the bit with the nurse and the hand on his shoulder was just really, really fantastic. It's not always that TV is that smart at showing a lot without dialog.

I feel like the Buddy/Santiago story is on the edge of a cliff, and at the bottom of that cliff is a bunch of really stupid cliches. Please let's not have this be super stupid.

Also, please do not have Tyra get back with Riggens. My inner nerd really needs her to get back with my boy Landry.

Landry's response to what his dad did was perfect.

Signs that this show isn't written by football people. Treating Smash like he's an NBA player set on going pro. The whole recruitment angle is badly written, and just flat stupid.

Where was Street?

And yes, "whisper-yell" is the best line ever, or at least last week.
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